By participating in SHA Run For Solo 2024, including but not limited to registering on this website, participants are considered to have accepted and agreed to follow and is binded to all rules and regulations, terms and conditions set for the event by the organizer of SHA Run For Solo 2024. Participants are they who have received the registration confirmation to SHA Run For Solo 2024.

  1. By registering in SHA Run For Solo 2024 (“The Race”), participants agreed to accept and follow the terms and conditions of the race.
  2. Distances offered this year are Half Marathon (21.0975km), 10K, 5K.
  3. Registration is only open to Indonesian citizens and Foreigners with KITAS holders.
  4. Minimum age requirements on the race day for SHA Run for Solo 2024 are set according to the distances:
    a.Half Marathon : 17 years old
    b.10K : 16 years old
    c.5K : 14 years old
    d.5K Student: 14-17 years old
  5. Participants who are not yet seventeen (17) years old on race day are required to submit a parental consent letter. A sample of the letter can be downloaded HERE.
  6. Participants are advised to consult with a doctor related to their health condition prior to participating in the race. Participants acknowledge and accept that their participation in this race carry a potential risks and hazards, including but not limited to accidents, physical or physical injuries, health problems, paralysis, death, damage to property and/or other losses, and other risks that are not known before and which at this time are reasonably unpredictable (“Risks and Hazards”). Risks and Hazards may occur, among others, because of Participants actions or negligence or other people’s actions or omissions, and/or the conditions of the facilities and/or equipment and the environment and/or weather and/or Force Majeure (as defined below) conditions.
  7. The organizer shall not be held responsible for any harm and/or disadvantage caused by the followings including but not limited to:
    a. The occurrence of Risks and Hazards;
    b. Late arrival to the race;
    c. Congenital diseases;
    d. Force Majeure
  8. Organizer requires pregnant women to inform her pregnancy status and submit a clearance letter from a doctor and sign a waiver form before participating in the race or at the latest one (1) week before the race by email. A sample of the waiver form can be downloaded HERE. The organizer shall not be responsible for complications, health issues, and/or any other Risks and Hazards that may arise from participating in the race during pregnancy and can stop participants from the race for health and safety reasons.
  9. Participants expressly and exclusively grant the organizers and its assignee, the irrevocable right to use participants name, likeness, biography, factually or otherwise in connection with the production, distribution and publication of the images, photographs, and other proprietary rights related to the running event, world-wide in any and all devices, media or publications.
  10. Copyright and other proprietary rights (if any) of images, photographs, articles, race records, and location information, covering the event, and their usage right for TV broadcasting, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and other media or publications belongs to the Race Organizer. This also includes but is not limited to the names and other personal information such as age and address (country, province and city) of the Participants.
  11. In the event of unforeseen circumstances (Force Majeure) including but not limited to war (whether stated or not), violence, social unrest, strikes, outbreaks, pandemic, accidents, fires, floods, natural disasters, embargoes, legal reasons, or the actions of the government of the Republic of Indonesia, and other similar events which may occur in the future, in which the Race Organizer has no ability to prevent and caused the cancellation of SHA Run For Solo 2024, the organizer shall not be held responsible for any loss for any Risks and Hazards that might happen due to the race cancellation and/or reschedule of SHA Run For Solo 2024.
  12. The organizer reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the race if a Force Majeure event happens.
  13. Race registration fee is non-refundable. In a case of race being canceled due to Force Majeure event, the organizer shall be entitled to the registration fee and is not obligated to return the race registration fee to the participants.
  14. If the race is canceled, the organizer will transfer the participants’ registration to the next year within a period that is set by the organizers.
  15. Information and how-to transfer participant’s race entry to next year will be sent by email by the organizers and the participants are required to complete the form completely and honestly.
  1. The submission of online registration form through the SHA Run For Solo 2024 official website is considered as an acknowledgement and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Payment confirmation email, along with its associated registration ID, will be sent immediately after our system successfully received and verified participant’s payment.
  3. The organizer reserves the right to close the registration before the registration deadline and/or when the race quota is full.
  4. The participants agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about the participants in the registration form. The participants are responsible for the information provided. The race organizer may contact the participants from time to time by email. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the organizer shall be deemed as received by the participants.
  5. Bib number is unique personal identification of the participant and may not be exchanged and/or transferred to another party.
  6. Sale and/or transfer of race bib number is strictly prohibited and will result in the disqualification and/or banning of individuals involved from future events.
  7. The organizers reserve the rights to refuse a race entry if a race entry is confirmed to contain false information, and or incomplete registration entry.
  8. Bib number must be collected during the race pack collection period that will be set by the organizer.
  9. Race pack cannot be mailed or collected on race day
  10. If a participant is found to have registered for two different categories or more under the same name, the organizers reserves the right to withhold all of the bib number and race pack, and disqualify participants from the race.
  11. Bib number and race pack can be collected by a representative by bringing a letter of authorization at race pack collection, and include a copy of proof of registration, with a copy of ID of the participant and the representative. Sample of the letter of authorization can be downloaded HERE
  1. Participants must be able to complete the full distance of each category, from the official start line to the official finish line , within the time limit required by the organizer (Cut-off times). Please note that the official timer calculation is the authority of the organizer.
  2. The starting line will be closed 10 (ten) minutes after the gun start is sounded. Participant who does not cross the starting line before the 10 minutes limit will automatically declared not starting the race (DNS)
  3. Participants shall not obstruct the race by failing to follow the instruction of the race officials. Violation of this rule will be the grounds for disqualification of participants from the race.
  4. Participants who committed unsportsmanlike conduct that includes but not limited to the blocking, obstructing other participants and/or the run course, will be automatically disqualified from the race.
  5. Water stations will be provided along the run course with an interval between 2km to 3km in between stations. A refreshment station will be provided at the finish.
  6. Bib number must be placed in the front side of the participants and must be visible throughout the race from start to finish.
  7. No unofficial vehicles, bikes, in-line skates, skateboards, baby joggers, wheelchairs, prams (of any description) will be allowed on the course. Violation of this rule will be the grounds for disqualification of participants from the race.
  8. No pet of any kind with or without leash is allowed on the run course. Violation of this rule will be the grounds for disqualification of participants from the race.
  9. Participants may not dress in clothing or wear gear that may be dangerous, hurtful, or cause harm to themselves and/or other participants. Participants shall not run with the whole part of the face covered, that may cause participants to not be able to see the run course and other participants on the run course clearly. Violation of this rule will be the grounds for disqualification of participants from the race.
  10. Participants may not wear clothes for the purpose of political or religious assertions or propaganda. Participants who are campaigning in any way shape or form, must first inform and obtain permission from the organizers before race day. In the event where a campaign is held without the consent of the organizers, the organizers reserves the rights to stop and disqualify the participants from SHA Run For Solo 2024 and annul the participants from any potential podium. The next potential winner will take the disqualified participants.
  11. Participants shall not perform any act that can cause a delay to the race such as dancing, performing, playing instruments, standing near the start or finish lines, or in the streets along the course. Violation of this rule will be the grounds for disqualification of participants from the race.
  12. The race organizer is not responsible for any form of fundraising conducted by participants in SHA Run For Solo 2024. The responsibility rests with the participants.
  13. Participants shall not prevent pedestrians from crossing the course or obstructing the passage of emergency vehicles at certain points, when and where they are allowed to do so. Violation of this rule will be the grounds for disqualification of participants from the race.
  14. Carrying items that can potentially disrupt the event ,compromise the safety of other participants, causing danger or risk of injuring themselves or other participants are prohibited.
  15. Race time will be displayed at the finish line. Cut-off times for each categories are set as below:
    a.Half Marathon : 3 hours and 45 minutes
    b.10K : 2 hours
    c.5K : 1 hour and 20 minutes
  16. To ensure the implementation of the cut-off times, the organizer will also implement the cut-off times at different points of the run course. They are: 
    a. Half Marathon Category :
        1. KM 5 : 50 (fifty) minutes after the gun start
        2. KM 10 : 1 (one) hour and 40 (forty) minutes after the gun start
        3. KM 15,2 :  2 (two) hours and 35 (thirty five) minutes after the gun start
    b. 10K Category :
    KM 4 : 45 (forty five) minutes after the gun start
  17. Participants who cannot finish the race before the cut-off time will be declared not finishing the race (DNF) and will not receive a finisher medal.
  18. Road safety is under the control of the police department and the transportation authorities. Medical services will be provided by the organizer in partnership with local hospitals and medical teams. Medical personnel are allowed to stop participants they see medically unable to continue the race.
  19. Timekeeping will be prepared for every category. All participants will be given bib numbers with timing tags to be worn during the race. Check points will be placed at the start and finish line, and at designated timing points to ensure all participants are following the official race course. Participants who failed to follow the official race course shall be disqualified from the race.
  20. Participants who win the race must wear the assigned timing tag and bib number. Winners must provide proof of photo identification to redeem the prize.
  21. Winners of SHA Run For Solo 2024 are decided from each category of men and women and decided based on the fastest race time recorded by the organizers, calculated from the start signal to the time the winners crossed the finish line (Gun Time)
  1. Indonesian citizens are eligible to win the open and national podiums.
  2. Foreign nationals are only eligible to win the open categories.
  3. Winners who are Indonesian Citizens of the age of 40 (forty) on the day of the race has the chance to win the Open Podium, National Podium and Masters Podium that will be decided by the official race results and race gun time.
  4. Winners who are Indonesian Citizens that registered, and met the terms and conditions of the 5K Student category are entitled to 5K Student podium placements. Podium placements will be decided by the official race results and is based on gun 
  5. 5K Student is a closed category. Only those who are registered in this category are eligible to win a podium placement in this category. 5K Student participants cannot be promoted to the other 5K categories.
  6. Winners are only eligible to win one podium placement in the category entered.
  7. Prize money is subject to taxation in accordance with the government regulations.
  8. The withdrawing process of the prize will be done within 20 business days from the race day. The winner should ensure the accuracy of the bank account number, name, address and swift code (for foreign nationals) who are required by the race organizer. Providing accurate information is the responsibility of the winners.
  1. Other matters related to the terms and conditions of participation in the SHA Run For Solo 2024 can be changed and added at any time by the organizers. These changes and/or additions will be informed to participants by the organizer. Participants must regularly check the terms and conditions that apply on the SHA Run For Solo 2024 website.



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